Winner will be posted on the next watch! ;)
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Horror movie contest!!!!
....BOO!!!!! This post is simple and easy peasy. Watch these clips of horror movies and choose which one you think is the scariest of all.'s not for the faint of heart MWAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!
Friday, May 2, 2008
Ectoplasm Pics....
Check these old photos out. They're supposedly captured images of ectoplasm. Ectoplasm is stuff that "oozes out of of ghosts and materialize and has the ability to perform telekinesis" such as lifting objects, moving objects, etc. I think they're so fake like it's so obvious and it's almost comical even.'s just me. You gotta see for yourself.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Ever take a picture and when it's developed, a bunch of semi-transparent balls show up on it? Well those are called orbs. By a dictionary definition, orbs mean a spherical object. But in a paranormal sense, it's not that simple or straightforward.
Some think that orbs are the spirits themselves, appearing in a globular, semi-transparent shape. But some other think that it's not the spirits themselves. Rather, it's the transfer of energy from various sources. See, spirits need energy in order to manifest themselves. They draw energy from battery, electrical lines, people, etc. This theory ties in with a Physics theory which says that energy being transfered in such fashion would take a spherical shape. It also ties in with a high EMF (Electro Magnetic Field) reading in areas where the spirit activity is supposedly active. (
Not everybody believes that orbs are phenomenon of paranormal nature, that's for sure. And they're not of paranormal nature all the time, anyway. At times, it could be a reflection of a light, dust, dirty lens, precipitation, etc.
One time, I was just going around taking pictures of my neighborhood with my old 4.0 megapixels digi-cam. I got to this street corner of this fancy part of the hood and my camera started acting funny. Through the lens, it looked like there was this big pink blur right in front of me (it was so close, it was literally in my face). When I took the picture, there was nothing there. Then later I remember that when I used to take my dog for a walk, he used to get scared when we get to that area. So scared, that he wouldn't even walk and I had to carry him. Was it just a technical glitch or someone or something was getting curious of me? Hmmm......
Friday, April 11, 2008
Mercy Brown the Rhode Island vampire....

Exeter, Rhode Island. The year...1892. This was not a peaceful time for these people. Consumption was, well..."consuming" a lot of people. In modern times, consumption is called Tuberculosis. It's not that hard to treat Tuberculosis today but back then...not so much. People performed rituals such as digging up bodies to "banish the undead manifestation".
Mercy Brown was a farmer's daughter. Her mother, Mary, was the first in the family to die of consumption. Her older sister, Mary Olive, followed suit not long after. Her brother, Edwin, was very sick and was taken to an arrid area so he could get better. But instead, his conditions grew worse and he was taken home to basically die. Mercy was, in a way, luckier because her battle with consumption didn't last as long as Edwin's.
The grieving Mr. Brown tried everything he could possibly think of to cure his son. After losing his wife and two daughters, he certainly didn't want to lose his son. Like everybody else, he finally turned to folklorism for an answer. He thought that his family was being cursed so he decided to dug up his family's graves. The bodies of Mary and Mary Olive's started to decompose except for Mercy's. Her body looked to "well preserved". Everybody isntantly thought that Mercy was a vampire and that she was attacking Edwin. Desperate, Mr. Brown decided to take out Mercy's heart, burn it, mix the ashes with water and drink it to his son. Sadly, despite his efforts, Edwin died two months later.
I feel sorry for Mercy. She became a scapegoat of her family and society. People back then believed that they could "break the spell of the vampires and cure the sick" by burning the "vampires' hearts". As much as I feel sorry for Mercy, I can't really blame them for what they did. They didn't have any real scientific knowledge and they tried desperately to figure out what's really plaguing them. Dr. Michael Bell, a folklorist and author of the book Food for the Dead believes that "attacking vampires was a way for people to embody and physically fight whatver's plaguing Mercy's case that evil was consumption". Do you believe that Mercy was a real vampire? Well...better have your crucifix and garlic. If and pray to God your feet don't fail you this time...
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Actual paranormal activities caught on camera or just our imaginations...
I think the most believable/impressive ones are:
- Warwick City Hall
- Copper Queen Hotel
- Hellfire Caves
- New Bedford Armory
- Crescent Hotel
If you don't think these are impressive, you need to get your eyes checked.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Winchester Mystery House....
William Wirt Winchester was a wealthy gun factory owner (Winchester Repeating Arms Company) who lived in the Victorian era. He had a wife named Sarah Winchester and a baby girl named Annie. A picture perfect little far... Not long after, baby Annie died and fifteen years later, in 1881, Mr. Winchester followed suit.
Sarah was left heartbroken and lonely but she was also left much of everything else. After her husband's death, she inherited around $20 million and 50% ownership of the company which means that she received around $ 1,000 a day (non-taxable until 1913). By today's standard, she received around $21,000 a day. She was a very wealthy widow.
She turned to her friend, who was a popular medium, for solace. She told Sarah that the Winchester family might be cursed by the angry spirits killed by the Winchester rifles. She also told her to move out from her home at New Haven and to move to the West and to build a house for her and the spirits. Allegedly, she said, "Continue building, you will live. Stop building, you will die".
Thanks to her enormous fortune, Sarah was able to build a sprawling mansion in San Jose, California. That mansion defies every architectural principles. There are doors that lead to nowhere, staircases that lead to ceilings,etc. Sarah was also obsessed with number 13. There are thirteen candle holders in the chandeliers, thirteen Tiffany windows, etc.
I shared her fascination with the supernatural but I think that Sarah Winchester was a heartbroken, turned crazy woman more than anything else. And her friend the medium was a nut job. Why would the spirits curse her family and seek vengeance from her? That doesn't make much sense to me.
Take the tour of the Winchester Mystery House....if you dare....
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Astral beings speak to us...
People have tried to communicate with spirits for centuries. One way to communicate with them is through a seance. The word seance originated from a French word which means "seat", "session" or "sitting". Usually, a seance involves a medium, which means a person who can see and speak to the dead. In some cases, the medium is temporarily possessed by the spirit as a way for the spirit to come forward or to come through.éance
The show "Most Haunted" on Travel Channel does a seance on every episode. Their previous main medium, Derek Acorah, got increasingly violent when he's possessed by a spirit. He would scream in other crews' faces and almost shove them at times, if not being held down by the others. He was dropped from the show because it was discovered that he was faking the possessions. According to Dr, Ciaran O'Keeffe, names would be whispered in his ears before the show begins to shoot.
I believe in seance because I did it with a couple of friends years ago when I was in 7th grade. It worked because the spirit really came. The spirit was easy to get rid of. Who knows what might've happened if the spirit was hard to get rid of. Anyone who says that seance is a bunch of bull haven't tried it before or haven't got the guts to try it.
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